How to Sell at Craft Shows: 7 Tips to Make More Money

How to Sell at Craft Shows: 7 Tips to Make More Money

If you're like us, you pour your heart and soul into your creations. And it’s such a delight to see people enjoy your products and buy something for themselves.

But for most people, selling isn’t easy. So if you're struggling to get noticed and sell products at craft fairs and trade shows, don't worry—you're not alone!

We've been there, made mistakes, and learned some big lessons along the way. Now, we're here to share our best tips on how to sell at craft shows, so you can make those events worth your while.

Why should you listen to us? Because we've been to a LOT of craft fairs, trade shows, and other events. And we've made thousands of dollars at events like these by learning how to capture and sell to an audience. Now, we’re excited to share that wisdom with you!

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which means that we may receive a commission if you make a purchase using third-party links.

Why Sell at Craft Fairs?

These events provide SO many opportunities to grow your business. They give you the chance to:

  • Connect with customers: Meet your ideal customers face-to-face, build relationships, and get valuable feedback.
  • Show off your work: Let your products shine in a real-life setting where people can touch, feel, and fall in love with them.
  • Do live demonstrations: Teach visitors about your craft and help them see the fun of customized gifts by doing it or watching it live.
  • Make lots of cash: We're talking major sales potential, especially if you strategize and make your booth stand out.
Craft Show - Pinners Kansas City 2024

We’ll talk more about how to find a craft fair later on in this article.

But first, let’s dive into some of our best tips for selling more at craft fairs and shows and making that moolah! 🤑

7 Tips on How to Sell at Craft Shows & Events

Tip #1 - Make Your Booth Interactive

In a bustling craft fair crowd, how can you make your booth stand out? By turning it into an interactive experience.

In other words, don’t just display your crafts—make them!

If sublimation is your thing, fire up a portable heat press and create designs on the spot. Bonus if you bring your desktop sublimation printer—the Epson F170 is our fave—so you can print out personalized prints right then and there.

If you’ve got a portable engraver like the xTool F1 or F1 Ultra, you can personalize items right there at your booth. People love to see customized jewelry and trinkets made right in front of their eyes!

Crafting experience with UV resin at Pinners Conference

This works for whatever you’re selling. If you’re selling jewelry, you could set up a make-and-take station. Candlemakers can create a fragrance bar where customers pick their favorite and get a custom candle on the spot. Or if you’re an artist, you can offer a mini UV resin workshop to let your visitors experience something new! (Grab our UV resin starter kit for all the supplies you need!)

We’ve seen first-hand how live demos can draw a crowd and turn curious onlookers into walking billboards for your brand. Even if they don’t buy right away, they’ll remember the fun they had, and that helps to spread the word!

Tip #2 - Create Irresistible Offers

Want to entice more customers to your booth? Everyone loves a good deal. Whip up some special discounts just for the show, like “buy one tumbler, get one half off,” or “buy 5 keychains, get the 6th free,” and watch people start to pay attention. We call these show specials, and people can’t get enough of them!

Snagging a discount actually triggers oxytocin, the happy chemical in our brains. Then your customers start linking that warm, fuzzy feeling to your brand. Not only does this make them more likely to buy on the spot, but it also entices them to remember you and come back to buy from you again.

Giving your customers a special deal makes shopping more fun!

Tip #3 - Make Use of Vertical Space

Think of your booth not as a table, but a mini storefront. You can maximize your space with tiered display stands that display your products vertically.

This does so much for you! It helps you to…

  • Stand out from afar: Tiered displays make your booth more visible from a distance, drawing in curious shoppers.
  • Show off more goodies: You can display more products or create eye-catching arrangements without running out of space.
  • Give shoppers a better experience: Instead of craning their necks and bumping elbows, customers can easily see and admire your products.

The better they can see your awesome creations, the more likely they are to buy!

Try this acrylic tiered display or this rustic wooden one from Amazon. Or make your own with these designs from Creative Fabrica.

Check out our booth from a recent event 😆👇

MakerFlo Crafts Booth Layout Example

Tip #4 - Give a Little Something Extra

When someone does decide to buy from you, don’t stop there! Throw in a little something extra to take your customer experience up a notch. Think mini personalized keychains, sample-sized goodies, a discount code for their next purchase, or even a gift card they can share with a friend.

This small gesture goes a long way in creating a positive experience for your customers.

Plus, if you offer a discount, sample, or gift card for referrals, you’re essentially turning your customers into your very own marketing team! And if you go the personalized gifts route, they’ll get to take home a unique keepsake they’ll treasure for a long time. It’s a total win-win.

Tip #5 - Create a Cohesive Brand

We all know the saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” but let’s be real—at a sold-out craft fair, your booth’s appearance IS your first impression. A visually appealing, well-organized booth is going to draw in more shoppers, and that’s a fact.

A cohesive brand appearance sends a clear signal to your customers. They instantly get who you are, what you’re about, and whether your products are a good fit for them.

But a booth that lacks branding? That’s a missed opportunity. You’ll see people (figuratively) scratching their heads, wondering what you sell and if it’s relevant to them. And while they’re busy trying to figure it out, another booth with a clearer brand image will snag their attention.

Don’t let a lack of branding hurt your sales. Creating your brand design doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. Start with a simple color scheme and a few design elements that reflect your brand personality. (A quick search on Pinterest for “brand colors” or “brand mood board” will bring up hundreds of options!)

Then make sure your signage, product displays, and decorative items work together to create a unified look. Canva is a great free option for creating branded graphics.

A cohesive brand appearance lets your customers know who you are, what you’re about, and whether your products are a good fit for them.

Tip #6 - Share Your Story

We all love a good story, right? It’s why we binge-watch our favorite shows and can’t put down a good book.

You can tap into that same storytelling magic to connect with your customers. Share the story behind your business and brand—your “origin story,” how you came up with a product idea, or even a behind-the-scenes peek at your creative process.

Create a short video, write a blog post, or design a fun poster that tells your story. Then, add a QR code to your booth so people can easily access it. (Or print out the poster and put it on the wall!) When customers get to know the real you, they’ll feel more connected to your brand and more likely to support your business.

At MakerFlo, we’re all about sharing our story and connecting with our community. We’ve seen how powerful it can be to build relationships with our customers both in person and online. (And if you’re already part of the MakerFlo family, thank you for being here! ☺️)

MakerFlo crafters showing off their custom resin keychains

Tip #7 - Capture Potential Leads

You know what? Sometimes people just aren’t ready to buy right then and there. And that’s totally cool! But that doesn’t mean you’ve lost them. You can still capture their info for later.

Here are a few ways to do it:

  • Get them on your email list: Offer a sweet discount or a sneak peek at new products in exchange for their email address. That way, you can keep them in the loop and send them new products or offers later.
  • Connect on social media: Encourage them to follow you for behind-the-scenes peeks, special offers, and a way to connect with you after the show is over. It’s a great way to stay on their radar.
  • Offer a future discount: Ask for their contact info in exchange for a discount on their next purchase. Make it a limited-time offer so they don’t forget about it later.

We’ve learned this strategy from experience, especially after selling at wedding shows. Couples at these shows aren’t ready to buy personalized gifts yet, because it’s still months or years ahead of their big day. But by getting their contact info and wedding date, we can keep following up until the time is right.

Remember, follow-up is key! If someone shows interest, don’t leave them hanging. A friendly reminder could be all it takes to turn a potential customer into a happy buyer.

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7 Tips for Selling More at Craft Shows

Where to Find Your Next Craft Fair or Event

Feeling ready to hit your first craft fair? Awesome! There are SO many shows you can choose from. Just remember that most events are planned out a year in advance, so start your search early.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Our Trade Shows Page!: Want to meet us at a craft fair this year? Check out that link to find out the craft shows we’ll be appearing at over the next several months. Plus score some discounts on your tickets! 🤩
  • Sunshine Artist: This website features a huge directory of craft shows across the US and a list of the 200 most profitable craft fairs, as voted by fellow crafters.
  • Local Festivals and Events: Look for fall festivals, holiday markets, summer art festivals, Christmas shows, and more. These events are always buzzing with potential customers.
  • Industry-Specific Shows: If your products cater to a specific niche, don’t be afraid to branch out! Wedding shows, real estate expos, and other industry events can connect you with new customers who might want customized merch. Once, we sold $8000 worth of customized cutting boards and religious-themed items at a Christmas church fair in just 3 days!
  • Conferences for Makers: Consider attending creative conferences like Pinners, APA, h+h americas, and Namta. These events are designed to help creative people like you learn new skills, grow your business, and connect with other makers. Plus, they usually have vendor areas where you can showcase your products to attendees.

Final Thoughts

We’ve given you seven tried-and-true tips to help make your next craft fair a more profitable endeavor for your business! Use these tips to make a more engaging booth experience, clearly communicate your brand story, and form deeper connections with customers.

If you have any more questions for us, sound off in the comments below! 💬 Or even better, hop on over to our Official MakerFlo Facebook Community to interact with thousands of other crafters and our team!

Need a little more inspiration? Check out these articles on how to find new craft ideas, what you need to start a customization business, and some handy AI tools to help grow your business!

Now, go out there and rock those craft fairs! We’re cheering for you! ✨

MakerFlo team smiling at a craft show
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